10 steps to save money and be safe this 4th of July

1. Go to someone else’s house. They are more likely to have already bought food and drinks, and we all know the best food is free food.

2. Less alcohol – bare with me. If you pace yourself through out the day, you won’t need as much alcohol, and you might actually get to watch the fireworks at the end of the night.

3. Go watch a firework display. Fireworks are expennnnnsiveeeeeee, so instead of buying them yourself, check out your local show (these are usually FREE)!

4. Go grocery shopping before hand. Drun-chies (drunk munchies) are alive and vicious! Go grocery shopping ahead of time to prevent having to spend money on fast-food. Unless it’s Whataburger- I will never advise you against a patty melt.

5. If all else fails, just go party with your parents!

6. Sunscreen!! Yes, even if you tan super easily. No ones trying to mess with that cancer mess!

7. Drink water! The only thing less cool than being the person drinking water at a party, is the person that ruined the party with a hospital trip.

8. Pace yourself! It’s a marathon, not a sprint. If you plan on drinking a mixed drink all day, its okay to only put a splash of alcohol!

9. For the love of all that is good, please do not aim a firework at you or anyone around you… jut don’t do it.

10. Plan a sober ride home before going anywhere, friend or uber, just get home safe.