New Years Resolutions That Are Actually Attainable


Come January 1st (or 2nd for those who will party too hard bringing in the new year) gyms will be flooded with new members. There’s just something about the new year that makes everyone want to get healthy. As if your health wasn’t important the last half of the previous year. So instead of having the cliche “I want to lose weight” resolution, here are 23 resolutions that will help you become a better you! Plus, weight loss goes hand in hand with a few!

  1. Become comfortable in your own skin
  2. Put your phone down & live in the moment
  3. Learn to appreciate what you have & stop comparing yourself to others
  4. See the positive & BE the positive
  5. Be more open minded
  6. Stop the worrying
  7. Drink more water
  8. Spend more time outside
  9. Read more (I don’t mean read through your Twitter or Facebook timeline more)
  10. Practice patience
  11. Leave the phones & iPads behind before getting into bed
  12. Appreciate the little things
  13. Start volunteering
  14. Stop complaining
  15. Switch up your exercise routine
  16. Learn a new skill
  17. Save more money
  18. Eat out less
  19. Limit your use of social media. (less time per day, delete distracting apps, take one day off a week from social media)
  20. Teach yourself how to value experiences over things
  21. Learn how to control portion sizes
  22. Practice generosity
  23. Take more pictures

Happy new year folks! Don’t party too hard, take an Uber & be sure to eat your black eyed peas new years day!

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