A Local’s Guide to Your College Town

Hey class of 2023! You’re about to start COLLEGE! I’m sure you’re wondering, “How did it get here so fast?” and I can tell you, I felt the SAME way. Right now, you’re enjoying the summertime hanging out with your high school besties, anticipating the arrival of move-in day to your new place. This summer is filled with orientations, late nights, shopping for your new home, new cities, new friends and hanging out with the ones who have been there since the beginning. If I could go back, I DEF would. The times that you’re having now and about to have when you go to college, are some of the best times of your life. ENJOY THEM. Take tons of pictures, stay out late…when you’re looking back later, the memories will come flooding back as if you were still there. CHERISH the times that you have and realize you’re so lucky. So lucky to be going to further your education. So lucky to be able to start fresh in a new city. So lucky to be making memories that you’ll remember for years to come. 

When you get to college, the first semester is going to be a BLUR. You get to learn how to balance a school life with a social life. It’s definitely an adjustment but you somehow figure it out. Through all the late nights studying (or partying) you figure it out. 

Since you’re going to be new to the area, we thought we’d gather a special list together for you. Scroll through to see all of our recommendations for all of the college towns where we have retail locations! 🙂

A Local Guide to Stephenville, TX

A Local Guide to Huntsville, TX

A Local Guide to San Marcos, TX

A Local Guide to Waco, TX

A Local Guide to Ames, IA

A Local Guide to Columbia, SC

A Local Guide to Tallahassee, FL